Richmond Primary School

Together we will Learn, Enjoy, Achieve, Respect, Nurture

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Richmond Primary School

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  3. Special Educational Needs

Special Educational Needs

To pro­vide an improved, com­pli­ant pol­icy, we are com­mit­ted to co-producing our pol­icy with fam­i­lies, chil­dren and young people. To con­tribute and par­tic­i­pate in co-producing our pol­icy together, please con­tact Miss Starbuck  (Inclusion Lead and SENDCo). She is contactable on the school phone number.

Please see below to view Richmond’s Parent Friendly SEND Information Report.

Link to the Local Authority Local Offer

SAT Richmond SEND Policy 2024-2025 

 Toileting and Intimate Care Policy.docxDownload
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