Introduction from our Chair of the Governing Committee
Welcome to Richmond’s governor web pages. We aim to provide a source of knowledge to the school community about the work of our governing body and to provide useful information for our governors.
Our Governing Committee takes a pride in the caring ethos of the school, which encourages all the children to achieve their full potential. A unity of purpose gives the school a firm base upon which to build, and regular training for all staff and governors’ working within the school supports this.
Governors are aware of the diverse backgrounds of the children within the school and take care to support the Headteacher in identifying needs specific to the catchment. (e.g. Baseline assessment & use of data to identify more able / SEN children). They are committed to a policy of budgetary allocation that reflects the specific needs of the school.
Parents’ involvement in their children’s education, both through working with the children at home and in supporting the day to day life of the school, is actively encouraged and governors endorse this belief by working in the classrooms alongside the teachers on a regular basis, and are committed to developing their knowledge of the school and curriculum.
Governors share in an involvement with the local Development Group of schools through joint training.
There is a firm commitment to community involvement, both in support of the school curriculum and in relation to fund-raising where the school regularly organizes collections for individuals or groups, as well as taking advantage of promotional fund-raising events that support the school’s resource needs.
Full information on the role of a governor, the governing body and an explanation of terms and responsibilities can be found in the “Guide to the Law” which is provided by the Clerk to the governors upon appointment.
The governing committee consists of community / co-opted governors (appointed by the governing body), Staff governors (elected by staff at the school) and Parent governors (elected by parents at the school).
All governors, serve for a period of four years. At the time of an election the process is followed as set out by the L.A.
The Headteacher and the Chair meet regularly. The Governing Body reviews school policies on a regular basis and monitors their implementation and effectiveness. If you would like more information about our governing body, please select the "Governor" tabs, or call 01455 637266.