Richmond Primary School

Together we will Learn, Enjoy, Achieve, Respect, Nurture

Welcome to

Richmond Primary School

  1. Governors


Introduction from our Chair of the Governing Committee

Wel­come to Richmond’s gov­er­nor web pages. We aim to pro­vide a source of knowl­edge to the school com­mu­nity about the work of our govern­ing body and to pro­vide use­ful infor­ma­tion for our gov­er­nors.

Our Gov­ern­ing Committee takes a pride in the car­ing ethos of the school, which encour­ages all the chil­dren to achieve their full poten­tial. A unity of pur­pose gives the school a firm base upon which to build, and reg­u­lar train­ing for all staff and gov­er­nors’ work­ing within the school sup­ports this.

Gov­er­nors are aware of the diverse back­grounds of the chil­dren within the school and take care to sup­port the Headteacher in iden­ti­fy­ing needs spe­cific to the catch­ment. (e.g. Base­line assess­ment & use of data to iden­tify more able / SEN chil­dren). They are com­mit­ted to a pol­icy of bud­getary allo­ca­tion that reflects the spe­cific needs of the school.

Par­ents’ involve­ment in their children’s edu­ca­tion, both through work­ing with the chil­dren at home and in sup­port­ing the day to day life of the school, is actively encour­aged and gov­er­nors endorse this belief by work­ing in the class­rooms along­side the teach­ers on a reg­u­lar basis, and are com­mit­ted to devel­op­ing their knowl­edge of the school and curriculum. 

Gov­er­nors share in an involve­ment with the local Devel­op­ment Group of schools through joint training.

 There is a firm com­mit­ment to com­mu­nity involve­ment, both in sup­port of the school cur­ricu­lum and in rela­tion to fund-raising where the school reg­u­larly orga­nizes col­lec­tions for indi­vid­u­als or groups, as well as tak­ing advan­tage of pro­mo­tional fund-raising events that sup­port the school’s resource needs. 

Full infor­ma­tion on the role of a gov­er­nor, the gov­ern­ing body and an expla­na­tion of terms and respon­si­bil­i­ties can be found in the “Guide to the Law” which is pro­vided by the Clerk to the gov­er­nors upon appointment.

The governing committee consists of com­mu­nity / co-opted gov­ernors (appointed by the governing body), Staff gov­er­nors (elected by staff at the school) and Par­ent gov­er­nors (elected by parents at the school). 

All gov­er­nors, serve for a period of four years. At the time of an elec­tion the process is fol­lowed as set out by the L.A. 

The Headteacher and the Chair meet regularly. The Gov­ern­ing Body reviews school poli­cies on a reg­u­lar basis and mon­i­tors their imple­men­ta­tion and effec­tive­ness. If you would like more infor­ma­tion about our gov­ern­ing body, please select the "Governor" tabs, or call 01455 637266.