Richmond Primary School

Together we will Learn, Enjoy, Achieve, Respect, Nurture

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Richmond Primary School

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School Council


The school coun­cil con­sists of two pupil rep­re­sen­ta­tives from each class.  One child is elected by their fel­low class mates and the other by the class teacher.  School Coun­cil meet at least once a month with Mrs Clark our Head­teacher and mem­bers of the staff and gov­ern­ing body to dis­cuss and vote on new ideas.

Rich­mond Coun­cillors take an active part in the school devel­op­ment.  Some of the things we can be thank­ful to them for are:

  • Speed restric­tions on Stoke Road and the zebra cross­ing that have been intro­duced fol­low­ing School Coun­cil request­ing Com­mu­nity Speed­watch involve­ment.  This was done in response to a sur­vey con­ducted by the school coun­cil with regard to how safe the chil­dren feel on the way to and from school.
  • The School Coun­cil were rep­re­sented at the Build­ing Progress Meet­ing where key deci­sions have been made about the con­struc­tion and resourc­ing of the new build­ing.  This meet­ing con­sisted of senior staff from Will­mott Dixon, rep­re­sen­ta­tives from Leices­ter­shire County Coun­cil as well as our School Coun­cil representatives.
  • School Coun­cil mem­bers are involved with learn­ing walks in order to mon­i­tor and eval­u­ate the effec­tive­ness of teach­ing and learn­ing policies.



Question of the Month

School Councillors collaborate to decide on 'The Question of the Month'. The question is posed to the whole school and feedback is taken from all year groups. Examples of questions so far are:

  •  Which clubs would you like at Richmond?
  • What is your least favourite subject, and why? 

The School Councillors take on board the feedback from pupils and try to make changes for the better.