Richmond Primary School

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    2. FAO Parents with children on Education Health Care Plans

    FAO Parents with children on Education Health Care Plans

    31 January 2020 (by admin)

    FAO Parents with children on Education Health Care Plans Please see links below for further information.

    The Ofsted Inspection detailed below relates to Leicestershire County Council and not Richmond Primary School specifically.

    Leicestershire County Council have received notification of an inspection that will take place from Monday 3rd February 2020.  Inspectors will be meeting with staff from across the local area on Monday and Tuesday and will be visiting schools on Wednesday and Thursday.


    An important part of the inspection is to gather the views of parents and carers.  This is through a webinar that takes place from Monday 27th January to midnight on Tuesday 4th February 2020.  Please find attached a letter from the inspection team with the relevant details. The information on how to access the link for the webinar is included within the letter.  The link is also available below:

     10129824 Leicestershire LASEND letter template to Area Parents_ (edited) (1).doc