Richmond Primary School

Together we will Learn, Enjoy, Achieve, Respect, Nurture

Welcome to

Richmond Primary School

  1. Classes
  2. Year 4

Year 4 2024/25

Hindu Temple (Mandir) trip

On Friday 1st November, Y4 students visited a Hindu Temple (Mandir). We were amazed with the detail on the paintings and statues of their gods. We listened carefully and even had a go at sketching some of the gods we had seen in the artwork at the temple.

Autumn 2 - Blue Abyss

Our connected learning unit for this half term is Blue Abyss, where we will learn about oceans and the creatures that live there.

Our Big Question is... 'What is happening to our oceans?'

We will be going on our trip to the Sea Life Centre on Thursday 14th November - please ensure you have filled out your letter and returned it to you child's class teacher.

Autumn 2 - Blue Abyss Homework sheet

Our learning theme for Autumn One is:
I am Warrior!

In our Connected Curriculum, we will be gathering knowledge linked to the Big Question

What did the Romans do for us?

Community Project: 

Creating fruit tarts and creating a Roman museum.

Welcome to Year 4!

In Year 4 we have 3 classes: Mrs Van Ristell (4DVR), Miss Warnes (4NW) and Mrs Hillman (4PH)

Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Please make sure children come dressed in the Richmond PE uniform (white t shirt or polo, joggers or shorts, Richmond jumper or cardigan and trainers). Children who are going swimming will need to bring their kit in on a Wednesday. A separate letter will be sent home for swimming.

Homework will be due every other Friday. The dates will be on the bottom of the homework sheet.


Spelling tests will take place every Monday. Children will need to bring to school their red spelling book so they can stick the new spellings in to bring home and practise.

It is helpful if Reading Records and reading books are in children’s bags each day.
Please make sure Reading Records come into school to be checked on a Friday and children have read at least 3 times a week. 

If you have any questions, then please email

Emails are checked regularly but if you have an urgent message or question then please contact the office.

'Blue Abyss!' Homework sheet

Meet the Teacher powerpoint

Year 4 Curriculum Overview

Maths Written Calculation Methods

We have recorded a few videos of some of the written maths calculations that we teach and use in year 4. These are to help both parents/carers and children when practising at home. If there are any other methods you are unsure on, please speak to your child's class teacher.

Column addition

Column subtraction

Year 4 2022/23

02.03.23 World Book Day.

4RT loved dressing up as their favourite characters and sharing a book with a child from year 2/3. They also enjoyed listening to 'How to train your dragon' and designing their own dragon and dragon trainer.

4HO World Book Day

14.2.23 - SCIENCE DAY! We had so much fun in 4NW during our science day, learning all about electricity! We sorted appliances, talked about forms of energy and even made our own circuits. We tested whether materials were conductors or insulators and  made a giant circuit with all of the conductors! 

13.02.23 Love of Reading Day in 4HO

Xin Nian Kua Le (Happy new year)

Today 4RT learnt about Lunar new year. Mrs Taylor shared lots of her phots from her time living in China and even brought in her Chinese dress, chopsticks and other items to share with us. We made Chinese lanterns and had a great time learning about another countries traditions and celebrations. 

Today we learnt all about Chinese New Year, or 'Lunar New Year'. We learnt all about the traditions in China and the traditional things that they do to celebrate. We had a go at making our very own paper dragons and lanterns to celebrate the Year of the Rabbit!
Today we learnt all about Chinese New Year, or 'Lunar New Year'. We learnt all about the traditions in China and the traditional things that they do to celebrate. We had a go at making our very own paper dragons and lanterns to celebrate the Year of the Rabbit!

For our first lesson of our new topic Traders and raiders we learn how to make our own looms and how to weave. This will be an ongoing topic throughout Spring term. We are hoping to make a class blanket at the end. 

During our Blue Abyss topic we made felt food chains using our sewing skills.

During our Connected Learning we have been covering the topic of Blue Abyss. We learnt all about plastic pollution and the ways that it is damaging our environment. During our English lessons we wrote letters to persuade people to join an ocean clean up charity. They were so good that we decided to go on a litter pick to help try and rescue our planet from plastic pollution. Today we took our litter picks and bin bags to clean up Richmond Park!
During our Connected Learning we have been covering the topic of Blue Abyss. We learnt all about plastic pollution and the ways that it is damaging our environment. During our English lessons we wrote letters to persuade people to join an ocean clean up charity. They were so good that we decided to go on a litter pick to help try and rescue our planet from plastic pollution. Today we took our litter picks and bin bags to clean up Richmond Park!

Litter picking letter

Today in Guided Reading, 4NW brought in a book to read from home. We got cosy on the carpet and read in front of the fire or read by torch light in the dark!
Today in Guided Reading, 4NW brought in a book to read from home. We got cosy on the carpet and read in front of the fire or read by torch light in the dark!

Year 4 have been practising different songs in our music lessons with Mr B. We have been using samba instruments and have even been singing in different languages. It was lovely to see so many parents at our Christmas concert and we hope you enjoyed our performance! 

Oh no! Today when we arrived at school we saw that our beloved chairs had gone on strike! They left a letter to the children explaining why they were so cross with them. We worked really hard to write some persuasive writing to persuade the chairs to come back.
Wow! We loved seeing all of your crazy hairstyles for Halloween Hair day! You all looked super spooky.
Wow! We loved seeing all of your crazy hairstyles for Halloween Hair day! You all looked super spooky.

This week we started our Blue Abyss topic by visiting the Sea Life Centre in Birmingham. We had a fantastic workshop and learnt all about plastic pollution before we went off to explore and see the different animals. 

4NW have loved learning all about the Romans! We have had so much fun this half term and really enjoyed dressing up as strong, brave soldiers.

Wow! We have been so proud of our Times Table Rockstars this half term! You have all been working so hard and it is definitely paying off. Keep it up Rockstars! 

4NW have had so much fun exploring our big question of ‘What did he Romans do for us?’ Thank you to everyone who came to our Roman Exhibition, we loved sharing our learning with you. 

Hinckley market and Roman Exhibition update


Today we had a special Roman workshop from a volunteer at Hinckley Museum. We got to try on Roman costumes, heavy helmets and we got to touch artefacts. We had lots of fun guessing what the artefacts were used for and heard many interesting facts about the Romans living in our local area. 

4NW have spent some time celebrating the life of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. We designed some coins to create in her honour and will be displaying them in the trees on the playgrounds for you all to see.
4NW have spent some time celebrating the life of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. We designed some coins to create in her honour and will be displaying them in the trees on the playgrounds for you all to see.

I am Warrior! Homework sheet