Welcome to Year 1!
Our current learning theme is: Bright Lights, Big City
In our Connected Curriculum, we will be gathering knowledge linked to the Big Question:
Would you rather live in London or Hinckley?
Here is an overview of our Year 1 Curriculum
Who’s Who?
We have two classes in Year 1. These are the teachers and LSAs in each class:
1NJ - Mrs Johnson, Mrs Tansey and Mrs Carter.
1LQ - Mrs Quinn, Miss Licquorish and Miss Bradley
Nurture - Mrs Manning and Mrs Midgaff
Hello everyone! Welcome to Year 1. We regularly update this page with our learning, homework activities and other important information
- Please read the school letters. These include all the latest information about any whole school changes.
If you have any questions, email us on our Year 1 email: year1@richmond.leics.sch.uk or contact the office at office@richmond.leics.sch.uk. Please include your child’s class. - For latest information to Parents/Carers from CEOP, on how to protect your children when Gaming, Click Here.
The following Maths videos should be useful to help understand the methods we use in Year 1 for Addition and Subtraction
Part part whole models
Part part whole models
Finding missing numbers and adding using part part whole models
Adding -'bridging' 10
Fact families
Subtraction by 'finding the difference' - how many more...?
PE days are Mondays and Fridays.
Please make sure that your child comes to school in PE kit on these days.
For PE children should wear:
- School sweatshirts and polo shirts
- Black leggings, shorts, jogging or tracksuit bottoms
- Trainers
- This half term we are learning gymnastics and dance, so will be inside.
- Long hair tied back.
If your child wears earrings, please can they be taken out before they come to school on a PE day.
If their earrings cannot be removed because they have recently been pierced, please apply tape over the earrings before coming to school on a PE day. Adults in school are not allowed to apply tape for your child.
School Drop Off and Pick Up
Please drop your child off at their classroom for 8:40am. At the end of the day, 3:10pm, you can collect your child from their classroom.
Phonics and Reading
We encourage parents and carers to take an active role in helping children learn to read. We ask that parents read with their child every night or a minimum of three times a week. Please write in your child's reading record every time they have read. We have a weekly reading competition between the classes to see who has read the most at home.
We will issue your child a phonics linked home reading book once per week which will be matched to their phonic and reading ability. Books will be changed on Thursdays.
We will let you know when we have assessed your child and when they are ready to move onto the next colour band book. We assess children approximately every 6 weeks on a 1:1 basis to see how their phonics and reading is progressing. The books we send home are used to develop your child’s fluency so may appear easy. We work on harder books in school to further your child's reading. If you would like any further information about reading, please ask your child’s teacher.
In June, all of the children in Year 1 will complete the Year 1 Phonics Check. There are 40 words in total to read, 20 words are real words and 20 words are pseudo (alien) words. Children use their segmenting and blending skills to apply their phonics knowledge. More information will be provided to parents nearer the time.
Here are the phonemes and tricky words that children need to know by the end of Year 1:
Phonics Resources and Activities
In Year 1 we use Bug Club Phonics to teach phonics and also use resources and games from Phonics Play to support this. You can use the games from Phonics Play to practise your phonemes and tricky words. https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources
These are some other ideas you can use to practise your phonics.
Sound Buttons
Sounds buttons are spots and lines drawn underneath the phonemes in a word (see image below). These will support a child's ability to segment and blend words.
Noughts and Crosses (Tricky Words)
To practise the tricky words above you can play a game of noughts of crosses. To play, choose two words that you want to practise and use these two words instead of the traditional O and X. See picture.