Richmond Primary School

Together we will Learn, Enjoy, Achieve, Respect, Nurture

Welcome to

Richmond Primary School

  1. Classes
  2. Early Years

Welcome to Early Years at Richmond Primary School.

Our contact email address:



Please see our virtual tour of our Early Years building - click on the link below:-


2024-2025 Cohort

Has your child turned 5? If you would still like them to have milk at school please go to to sign up!

We have two classes in Early Years:

EYRC - Miss Cannon and Mrs Woodward

EYAK - Miss Knowles and Mrs Mynett

Mrs Cox and Mrs Carter also work in Early Years.

Our current learning theme is: Dangerous Dinosaurs!

Community Project: An Easter Bonnet Parade!



Our PE Day is every Friday. We would like all children to come to school already dressed for PE on Fridays rather than get changed at school. Children should wear trainers/pumps, jogging bottoms or shorts, t-shirt and a school jumper or cardigan. Thank you!

Please scroll down for more information on Reading, Phonics and Number so that you can support your child at home. We use Tapestry at Richmond to share all the wonderful learning your child is doing at school.

Our Phonics For Families sessions this year run from 2.30pm-3.00pm. Dates coming soon!
We look forward to welcoming parents and carers into our classrooms!

Developing Early Number Sense

Please watch the video below which explains how we teach number through 'early number sense'. (download the file to hear the audio). The teaching, games and activities during Early Years Foundation Stage are all based on supporting your child to develop their number sense and to give them a very strong foundation in number for the future.

Please see below for our curriculum overview progression maps.

 Communication and Language Curriculum Map.pdfDownload
 Expressive Arts and Design Curriculum Map.pdfDownload
 Literacy Curriculum Map.pdfDownload
 Maths Curriculum Map.pdfDownload
 Physical Development Curriculum Map.pdfDownload
 PSED Curriculum Map.pdfDownload
 Understanding the World Curriculum Map.pdfDownload
Showing 1-7 of 7

Characteristics of Effective Learning

Early Learning Goals

At the end of the EYFS, we assess children against the Early Learning Goals below.