Richmond Primary School

Together we will Learn, Enjoy, Achieve, Respect, Nurture

Welcome to

Richmond Primary School

  1. About us


Richmond Primary School is a happy, thriving and innovative primary school, serving Hinckley and surrounding areas. We have a current number on roll of over 500 EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 pupils.

Our mission statement of ‘Together we will Learn, Enjoy, Achieve, Respect and Nurture’, is central to the inclusivity of the academy; there are strong, nurturing relationships between staff and pupils and an unswerving commitment to help all of our children fulfil their potential. Richmond Primary School is a learning community in which everybody endeavours to continuously improve. There is a relentless pursuit by all staff to create a caring, respectful and purposeful learning environment.

All pupils, regardless of their starting points or backgrounds, are supported and challenged to be the very best that they can be. The combination of high expectations, an engaging and tailored curriculum and a dedicated, highly skilled team combine to create an ambitious academy that continuously strives for excellence.

Richmond Primary School is part of Success Academy Trust. As a Trust, we believe that our children should develop as young leaders through an embedded leadership curriculum and a wealth of personalised leadership opportunities. In addition, we believe that developing strong character values transforms young lives into adult success. Please visit our Success AT website for further information: