Richmond Primary School

Together we will Learn, Enjoy, Achieve, Respect, Nurture

Welcome to

Richmond Primary School

  1. Classes
  2. Year 6

Welcome to Year 6! 

6MP - Mr Pallett

6AD - Mr Donington

6AS - Mrs Storey

Mrs Gee, Mrs Moran, Mrs Crankshaw and Mrs Smith

Below is the presentation from the "Meet the teacher" event for those parents who were unable to make the presentation

Our learning theme for Summer one is: Blood Heart 

In our Connected Curriculum, we will be gathering knowledge linked to the Big Question: 

How can we help Hinckley to have a healthy and happy future?

Community Project: Creating awareness in the community.

Our learning theme for Spring Two is: Darwin's Delights 

In our Connected Curriculum, we will be gathering knowledge linked to the Big Question: 

How will the inhabitants of Hinckley evolve over the next million years?

Community Project: Science quiz!

Our learning theme for Spring One is: Frozen Kingdom

In our Connected Curriculum, we will be gathering knowledge linked to the Big Question: 

Why is life in the poles more difficult than in Hinckley?

Community Project: Present to local schools/universities our findings about the impact of climate change on the poles.

Our learning theme for Autumn Two is: Revolution

In our Connected Curriculum, we will be gathering knowledge linked to the Big Question: 

What impact has the Industrial Revolution had on our lives today in 2023?

Community Project: History showcase to local community

Our learning theme for Autumn One is: A Child's War

In our Connected Curriculum, we will be gathering knowledge linked to the Big Question: 

How has Hinckley been affected by events in World War 2?

Community Project: Dig for Victory Day!

Year 6 Curriculum Overview

PE Days

The P.E days for this year are: Tuesdays and Fridays. Please come ready dressed for PE on these days. PE kit includes: a white t-shirt, school jumper, black/grey joggers and trainers.


Please find below the timetable for homework in Year 6 and a letter all about our online homework platform-Atom Prime. You will receive an email with your child's login and the opportunity to create a parent account. Your parent account allows you to monitor your child's progress on the site and should be free.

You do not need to create an Atom Nucleus account.

Maths Calculation Videos 

Please find attached the end of year expectations for Year 6.

Grammar, Puncuation and Spelling - A Guide for Parents

The document below is a handy guide to refer to all of the different terms that your child will encounter during grammar lessons in Year 6.