Richmond Primary School

Together we will Learn, Enjoy, Achieve, Respect, Nurture

Welcome to

Richmond Primary School

  1. Classes
  2. Year 5

Welcome to Year 5 2023-2024

Miss Bagshaw and Mrs Watkins' Spelling Group Games

Our Theme for Spring Term 1 is Alchemy Island

Homework ideas

Due dates: 19th Jan, 2nd Feb, 19th Feb

Miss Bagshaw and Mrs Watkins Spelling group


For the next two weeks practise your 'ough' spellings here: 

Our learning theme for Autumn Two is: Stargazers

In our Connected Curriculum, we will be gathering knowledge linked to the Big Question: 

'How does movement in space affect us on Earth?'

Stargazers Homework

Stargazers Homework due: 27th October, 10th November, 24th November, 8th December, 22nd December

 The Year Five Teachers and Learning Support Assistants are: 

5ST - Mrs Townsend and Miss Parker

5RD - Mrs Devine and Miss Mifflin

5BW - Miss Bagshaw/Mrs Watkins, Mrs Gatherum and Mrs Lamprell

Meet the Teacher Presentation

Maths Calculation Method Videos

Adding numbers with more than 4 digits including exchanging

Subtracting 4 digit numbers with exchanging

Multiplying a 4 digit number by a 2 digit number (long multiplication)

Dividing a 4 digit number by a 1 digit number without and with remainders ('bus stop' - short division)

Hi Year 5!


Please remember to keep up your practice on Times Table Rockstars 

and Grammar Bugs 

Spellings are tested and new words given out each Monday. 

Reading records are collected and checked each Friday.

PE Days

Year 5 PE will be on Wednesday and Thursday every week.

Please send children in uniform on the top, PE suitable bottoms in black/grey/navy and wearing trainers on these days. 
Thank you.

Below are the end of year expectations for all children in Year 5

Please find attached the end of year expectations for Year 5.